Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ugly Betty

It's a new year, and I finally got around to posting a new anecdote. Enjoy!
I think it’s appropriate to inform you all (concerning my being a college student) that I am aspiring to be a Teacher of English to Students of Other Languages. Believe it or not, that is a major—TESOL.

Now, before you conclude that this post + my aspiration = the same thing, think again. In fact, they are the exact opposite. Betty is someone who epitomizes everything I wish not to be as a teacher. She is lazy, overly enthusiastic, and self-absorbed.

Say hi to Betty:

Part of my requirement for graduating is to observe various classes--to see different teaching styles, materials, and methods. Betty’s methods of teaching are contradicting to her students’ learning styles. They are beginning level students, trying to learn English…in English.

She also mistakenly thinks that she is a wonderful teacher, always seeming happy to teach her students like they’re learning, when they actually have no clue as to what is going on.

I am required to observe each classroom setting, consecutively, for a set period.

Betty is a rude individual. I was told by my professor to record my classmate during her practice teaching. She was teaching under Betty’s supervision. Betty’s class is 2.5 hours long. Most students come in late. (Would you come in early?) So I was allowed to start recording a little bit into the class to record better content. I attempted to explain this to Betty, until she cut me off in mid-sentence.

The icing on the cake in this scenario is that Betty asked my classmate and I to make a grid, or worksheet, for her students’ last class. First of all, observers are not responsible for making materials. Secondly, she could have done this herself seeing as how for the last class, no lesson plans are needed. Lastly, the students’ last day fell on a day I normally do not observe the class. I had been going every Tuesday and Thursday. She assumed that I would help make a “grid” and go to their class on Monday.

I did not.

Normally, I wouldn't mind doing the extra work. It wasn't that difficult to do, and I like helping the students. However, the last class I observed of her, she made small groups having an observer teach her students; that’s her job, by the way. Meanwhile, she collated papers.

Although Betty isn't someone I aspire to be, I can't say she didn't inspire me...to be a better teacher than her.

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